Our Mission

Based on Good Training, Good Support, Quality supplies and excellent safety standards. Our solutions are cutting-edge and geared towards helping the client succeed.

Our Services

With access to manufacturers and highly trained mechanics, we are well positioned and equipped to provide helicopter maintenance and engine overhaul services.

Why Us

With deep understanding of the aviation industry in Nigeria and strategic partners in USA, WROS is well-positioned to provide the highest quality service, spare parts and training.

Who we are

WROS is registered in Nigeria as a limited liability company, and it maintains a liaison office in Johnstown, PA, USA.

The company deals in helicopters, provides specialized training programs for helicopter pilots, mechanics and air traffic controllers. As a professional service organization with deep understanding of the aviation industry and strategic partners in Nigeria, USA and Europe, WROS is well-positioned to provide the highest quality products, training and support to all categories of end users including civilians, police and the military.

what we offer

WROS model is based on Good Products, Good Training, Good Support and Good Safety Standards.

As technical partners, WROS provides end-to-end solutions, from the program concept to choice of helicopters, purchase, training of pilots, mechanics and dispatchers, setup of maintenance facilities and securing funds for projects. WROS is involved in the following:

  • Helicopter Sales
  • Training
  • Maintenance
  • Logistics
  • Project financing
  • Technical support
  • our team

    WROS leadership and principal partners

    have professional certifications and licenses, and have more than 40 years combined experience in the aviation, logistics and consulting industry. WROS clients are guaranteed the highest return on investment and experience.